Wednesday, June 30, 2010

To: for Tuesday, a day late

Sorry for the delay- just back from the New Mexico wedding. It was fun, but odd that our friends the devout Baptists didn't check to see that the Santa Fe Gay Pride celebration was the same weekend as their big day. Rob and I enjoyed bouncing back and forth between the two groups, but I don't think our experience was typical of the other wedding guests...

And here are the To:'s for Tuesday, from the trip.

To: proVision
From: Factory Upgraded Traveler

THANKS, proVision, for the spiffy new technology at the airport. This is the first time in three years that I didn't have to suffer the pat-down search because of my titanium knee. This is a VERY welcome change.

Of course, having to empty my pockets of EVERYTHING, and then hold my hands over my head , crossed, like I'm about to be trampled by Godzilla (or, possibly, supplication to a great power) is a little akward. And knowing the that the micro-technology that scans me and then stores my file and probably sends it up somwhere on the internet (oh, PLEASE not YouTube) showing off what a life of dissipation looks like; knowing that is a little spooky. But, like many, a few minutes saved is worth lots of embarrassment and a total forfeit of a few rights to privacy.

Now, my fear? If you do store these scans, will the system compare each scan with the new scan? Becuase frankly, if the system croaks out "getting a little wider around the belt line" or "lay off the nachos" each time I enter the scanner (designed to look a lot like a salad spinner) it might lose its charm. Especially if it scans at the start, and end, of the vacation. Spooky.

What about purchasing the scans? If I'm traqveling with my Journalism students to a conference, can I get a print out of who is carrying what? THAT might be useful. On second thought, that might provide WAY to much information.

So, thanks again for the technology and the speedy way it gets me through security.

To: Eske's Brew Pub (Taos), and Kelly's (Albuquerque) and Second Street Brew Pub (Santa Fe)
From: Better Living Through Beer

Thanks, for everything. No, two pints IS the new one pint. I swear.

To: The Two Ladies with their Four Foster Children
From: The Guys at the Other Table

LOVED getting to know you two. Thanks for proving that families come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Fostering four young boys is a challenge I can't imagine.

You have no idea how much I wanted to shoot the straw paper from MY straw, too. Maybe someday I'll grow up enough to be a kid again. When that day comes around, I'm going to enjoy myself as much as your sons. Until then, I'll be remembering them laughing and smiling and having a great time with thier moms, watching the folks from the Pride parade drifting by the big wide windows.

Thanks for giving of yourselves and doing something that I could never do. Lunch was our pleasure!

To: Michael Reynolds, of Earthship and the Greater World Community
From: Intrigued Architecture Buff

Thanks for the great experience, wandering through the Earthship just outside Taos. The building speaks for itself- WOW! Sustainable is great, but selling it through the idea of "no power bills, water bills, etc." THAT's pretty bright.

I might slap a big sticker on the whole thing that says "OK'd for the Middle Class!" or possible "you don't have to be a hippie to live here," but I digress.

Beautiful buildings, nicely presented. I'm not sure I'm ready to commit to a community that might not appreciate my leather tennis shoes, or my deep rooted need for a washing machine. But, maybe someday?

In the mean time, let's get to work on a solar clothes washer, solar dishwasher, and why not a solar AGA stove/oven? Just thinking here.

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